210 похожих чатов

Speaking of us investors is there any credence to what

@michael_p3711 said for US investors about anything giving yield being a security? Specifically for chainlink, I can understand linkpool for US citizens because it’s a pool to generate yield, but fuck that would be shit if anything that gave a yield is gonna create problems for people who end up staking chainlink specifically. Any insight @DougEF @whitedrake14

5 ответов

9 просмотров

LINK passes the Howey test I'm pretty sure, based on how CLL ran their ICO and the fact that LINK is a utility token designed to secure the network with no promise of revenue or returns, there shouldn't be any issues. The problem isn't the yield itself, like using Bancor or Celsius or whatever, it's just APY on your investment. LPL is different in that it guarantees a share of revenue of Linkpool making it likely classified as a security, more or less

dont think most people care tbh its just genslers stance

LINK passes the Howey test I'm pretty sure, based ...

@joshsimenhoff does CLL ever officially address the Howey test?

Pnx 🐸
Why can’t plebs hold security’s tho?

Imagine not understanding that the game is rigged against the common man.

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