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Hi, does any one now a way to reliably get

my subscribed list in sentinel vpn app?

At the moment it needs around 5 minutes to get it and sometimes it fails

4 ответов

10 просмотров

SolarDVPN should be coming out this weekend for Android (iOS available already), I advise switching to it instead. It's a more recent whitelabel app built on Sentinel technology with better support and testing. The Sentinel app is more of a proof of concept for the technology

Aimon- Автор вопроса
Conundrum Z.
SolarDVPN should be coming out this weekend for An...

do you have a legit source where i can download it? (github or alike) or maybe source that i can build myself?

It's going on the Play Store, but if that's objectionable to you there's an F-Droid release and APK coming a bit later.

Aimon- Автор вопроса

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