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Based on the forum post on XPRT on basechain, I

would like to express a few thoughts. In general, I think the idea that Persistence is pursuing is good, but I'm really having a hard time tying up the loose ends and understanding the overall concept. That's why I asked a few days ago to publish an updated roadmap that shows the goal and how it will be achieved in detail. Because the individual things you're doing are all kind of cool, but on the other hand, they don't seem to make sense on their own.
Like your flagship stkXPRT, now its live, so what? Now one really needs it. Wouldn't it make sense to focus your energy on making this product successful? And by that I mean creating new applications alongside the existing pool. And if this product works completely, it can also be used as a showcase for other tokens.
Now there's talk of bringing XPRT to other chains, for what? XPRT is an independent chain and the focus should be on increasing the volume here and not thinning it out to other chains. If XPRT is a large, successful chain in the future, we can talk about doing something like that soon enough. I'm not quite following this either. Basechain is more of a kind of hype and everyone is trying to be on Base, but if there is no healthy demand, that won't change on Base either.
I could go on talking about wBTC but I don't want to criticize any more and I think you get my point.
In my opinion, we urgently need clarity about where we want to go and how we get there, explained in detail and broken down into individual work steps. I think I've written enough for today.
Have a nice day everyone!

6 ответов

30 просмотров

Hi.. Thanks for highlighting this focal points. Will sure share this with the team for indepth consideration. Have a beautiful day too

hey @MartinKnox - have quite a bit of calls today so please allow me some time to get back to you on this in more detail

Hey Martin, thanks for sharing your questions and concerns. I understand you’re having a hard time to understand the overall concept, and that’s completely normal, as the community and core contributors together are continuously trying different things in an attempt to find product-market fit as the industry continues to shape and reshape. What was relevant last year or even last month, might not be relevant anymore today. It might look uncoordinated or all over the place, but there is solid thinking going on behind the scenes and there’s an explanation for everything I suggest doing. The exact roadmap and some of the reasoning has not been written down nicely as it’s still under brainstorming and discussion with various stakeholders and community members, but in my head, this is what it looks like: - stkXPRT is indeed live and it allows the community to build liquidity without foregoing staking rewards. Previously this was impossible, and the high staking ratio of persistence has been great for economic security, but has hampered the growth of liquidity. That’s a first step. Reducing inflation is another step (see ongoing discussion on the forum). - A next step to grow stkXPRT is to get it integrated into different places like money markets or vaults. However, as the liquidity of the base asset is low, it’s very difficult to do that in a safe manner, as bigger positions that get liquidated could create a negative flywheel. Therefore, XPRT liquidity needs to grow first in a big way, in order to make these integrations happen and to make stkXPRT utility grow. - For XPRT liquidity to grow, it needs to be visible and known first and foremost, and the experiment to bring the token to Base is an attempt to make that happen. There are a lot of users and traders on Base, hence I believe it doesn’t hurt to create exposure/visibility there. Arbitrage across chains should create volumes, volumes create fees, fees should create liquidity. There have been many attempts to attract liquidity in a market where there is very little liquidity and action (Cosmos), so I believe it’s worth a try in an ecosystem where there is ample liquidity & action (Base), especially if they co-incentivise because they’re also still in a growth phase. - For WTBC, this is a first move for Peristence to become more BTC aligned. The Cosmos ecosystem has struggled to attract attention, users, liquidity despite having extremely good tech. With projects like Babylon bringing BTC security and now also pSTAKE bringin BTC-yield, I strongly believe we need to look at Bitcoin and the bitcoin community to blow new life into our ecosystem. A WBTC/XPRT pool opens up the door to have multiple BTC pairs. Assume the Cosmoshub uses babylon for BTC security (as was hinted already on CT), then BTC stakers will receive ATOM rewards. They’ll want to swap that ATOM for BTC and generate yield in their preferred asset. Trades like this can be routed through Dexter, which imo should become the native DEX of Persistence (also see my recent post in the inflation related post on the forum). The same is true for assets of other chains (new or existing) that will leverage Babylon. - With the above, Persistence as a chain can focus on 2 things: 1. Being the liquidity hub for (stk)XPRT and 2. Being a BTC-secured and (yield generating)BTC-oriented DEX. Both these things actually have a common goal: trading volumes for these assets, which generates fees (denominated in various assets), which creates a healthy chain and happy community.

- Instead of building an entire ecosystem around a bunch of relatively small (liquid staked) assets and hence small communities, Persistence can now focus on the biggest asset, the biggest community, and imo the biggest opportunity. Later on we can even build other things around Bitcoin (BTCFi is just getting started, and Cosmos tech/experience could offer so much). It’s a bit of a shift from the earlier vision of Persistence, but given where we're at, I do believe it’s worth a shot to go into laser-focus mode and stick to it until we make it work. Curious to hear your thoughts!

Martin-Knox Автор вопроса
Jeroen Develter
- Instead of building an entire ecosystem around a...

Hi Jeroen, How about creating two pools on Aerodome usd - xprt and xprt/stkxprt with incentives paid in stkxprt?

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