There's an ongoing testnet and Mainnet will come early next year
Who else can I call in this situations?
2009: Magic internet money. 2024: My neighbor just asked me about Bitcoin. What’s next? Aliens paying in sats? 🤓
Bitcoin: The OG meme. BTCfi: The evolved meme? 🤓
🚨 Registrations are now closed, but don’t worry. Phase 3 is coming 🔜
Did U guys ever considered cross-chain swaps with the Leader in zero gas fees Koinos Network? At the moment they have bridged $BTC thanks to Chainge. And believe me free to u...
“DeFi on Bitcoin? That’ll never work.” Narrator: It did.
When email of acceptance rolling out? Seems like Persistence Intern has some ambitious plans 😄. What do you guys all think about these AI Agents taking over?
Support connected to me and asking me to link to Is it legit or not ?
Starting beta testing but no cbbtc to start with. Not sure what is wrong ? And I cannot join the discord group, the invite is not accepted :(
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