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So in your humble opinion, staking yield via chainlink in

any form is bad for us investors? I can understand linkpool as it’s a pool of investors generating a yield and such. Or is t only if your tokens are “locked up” in the mechanism that generates yields that presents problematic concerns for us investors? This is something I wasn’t even aware of til earlier today, and I can’t find anything on it honestly.

For staking mechanisms like Ada where your tokens aren’t locked up like how would that fare? It’s one staking example I’m aware of where you get rewards without tokens being locked up.

4 ответов

8 просмотров

Yes earning money off chainlink is bad, same with taking it out of circulating supply. It's over once staking is released.

Scoville-G Автор вопроса
Yes earning money off chainlink is bad, same with ...

I mean Doug seems to think linkpool is a straight up security, AFAIK link is a utility token but gensler is trying to claim anything generating a passiv yield as an investment is a security. There’s no fine line in the sand I’m just trying to understand man

I've had a drink or three so I'll try my best... LinkPool has been extremely forward about LPL provided an economic benefit for those who buy it. Chainlink has been extremely consistent about not never talking about price action of the LINK token, ever (really, try asking @joshsimenhoff a question about LINK token price). This makes one clearly a security according to the SEC and one very likely not a security according to the SEC.

Scoville G
I mean Doug seems to think linkpool is a straight ...

Chainlink has never directly said that a LINK token holder could generate passive income for holding the token. Node operators can generate income.

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