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What does Richard means in his last tweet when he

says: "Redbull can pp" ?

10 ответов

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Talu- Автор вопроса
Jay M 🇧🇿

lol i m serious i don t get it, I m not english native speaker, maybe that s the reason...

He’s referring to his penis again fyi

Talu- Автор вопроса
G4MM4 🚫 DM
He’s referring to his penis again fyi

hum ok i get it haha, but he could have choosen something else than the brand redbull

Talu- Автор вопроса

haha yes maybe, i m just wondering if he is a redbull fan. I would be interested to know if it's one of his ingredient he uses for his high performance intellect.

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