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Is the StakeDAO pool a gauge pool? @kcrommen recently started

a discussion in governance about automatically removing unused/unvoted for pools, which I like the idea for (about to post in there why) https://gov.frax.finance/t/automatically-remove-gauges-that-are-not-voted-for/1445

5 ответов

11 просмотров

It is. I vote for it.

Unfortunately removing / unlocking gauges no one is voting for creates a new exploit vector where people can lock up funds for 3 years and then basically "force" them to be unlocked before that. It's basically trying to solve a non-existent problem.

I mean stakeDAO won't fight if their stable pool gets removed because they don't pay anymorewards so they have no reason to even vote for it.

I mean stakeDAO won't fight if their stable pool g...

Don't they skim profits on top of the yield? And pay their DAO with it

Don't they skim profits on top of the yield? And p...

Probably but I'm not sure votes for that pull went down so much even tho it has decent liquidity

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