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8 ответов

13 просмотров

Yes LUNA is burning their token man. Check the news they are burning millions of token

₿比特老韭菜 主动私聊我的骗子滚一边去
millions still slow

They cannot burn Billlions and Billions of token at once man. It have to be done gradually. You cannot become rich overnight. You need to trust the process

Yes LUNA is burning their token man. Check the new...

It’s investors burning there own tokens! You really think when there tokens get to a great value that they will burn them? You really need to do your home work before you get rekt my friend.

It’s investors burning there own tokens! You rea...

You need to do your Homework man. Just because u missed the opportunity don't mean give wrong advice to other

You need to do your Homework man. Just because u ...

😂😂😂😂 I’ve made very good money on luna.. I just know when to stop.. I’m not saying it’s not a good investment I’m saying your telling people to buy when it’s gone up 100% in one day is not good advice… I think your a novice or stupid..

They cannot burn Billlions and Billions of token a...

Not going to comment much on this when Circulating Supply still increasing .

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