209 похожих чатов

Has anyone, ever, considered if there might be a mutual

beneficial partnership to explore with zcash? I'm not sure in what way, shape or form - hence asking. I just trust both communities are actually at depth aligned on making the world better (in comparison to many other chain/projects out there who are simply seeking quick cash grabs)

3 ответов

11 просмотров

I don't like the optional privacy and the trusted setup of zcash. Monero is clearly superior.

Bowser- Автор вопроса
Jimmy Bleh Bleh
I don't like the optional privacy and the trusted ...

Most will be privacy by default and trusted setup is gone this month. So yea....

Most will be privacy by default and trusted setup ...

It's still optional privacy which is fine but not as good, that's my point

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