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Hi. Me and my team use a multisig wallet for

interacting with cBridge staking. However, in recent days the following warning started to pop up: "Please do not use multi-sig wallet in cBridge, otherwise your funds may be stuck". Why is this happening?

4 ответов

8 просмотров

The warning has been stated since the beginning and could can see it clearly in the docs. https://cbridge-docs.celer.network/tutorial/lp-guide

Nikita-Kravchenko Автор вопроса

why is this not enabled and when will it be?

Nikita Kravchenko
why is this not enabled and when will it be?

It's not enabled because it's not fully done and/or tested/audited yet. As the message says it's under development - cannot share just yet on when it'll be released

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