210 похожих чатов

Guys if Bitcoin dips lower, it will bring chaos &

panic for everyone just like in 2017 where everyone bought the heavy dips a lot of times but everything went straight to the ground (oh gosh)
I truly hope it’s not the case now or we believers get so rekt
What are the odds now that at one point soon the dipping-bleeding stops?
Any hopium left, share some?
This feeling is so exciting
Feels like the 2021 may crash (which I thought I learnt from but seems like I didn’t) 😹👍🏻
Diamond hands here which devalued by a lot but still not giving it up doesn’t matter where the price go🤣 Just painful to hold through when the value drops like mad & we could buy lot more for lot less if it goes ⏬ 🧐

3 ответов

10 просмотров

Let’s hope it crash and whole market burns. Then a new cycle of millionaires are born. While you wept about some tiny losses, your emotions don’t let you see the great opportunities that’s inside that scenario. Just accept what is coming, what ever scenario it is and then adjust your strategy.

Kökényesi- Автор вопроса
Bruce - 🦈 steamX
Let’s hope it crash and whole market burns. Then a...

What you are saying there: Let’s go deep to the ground to Rekt holders/those who bought If it gets to ‘crash & whole market burns’ most people will not have leftover money to pump your bags sir after you bought when ‘everyone did burn’ It’s only good for those who Sold already

What you are saying there: Let’s go deep to the g...

People who know they know what I am talking about. I could not resist to show a little about my world. But I am too busy to fully explain. Let’s say… I am ready for every situation. Wish you the best.

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