209 похожих чатов

And can anyone explain how dutch auction prevents botting and

gas war ?

3 ответов

20 просмотров

Mostly to prevent a gas war, the prices start higher than they expect anyone to buy and then decrease rapidly. One idea is that it is very unlikely that multiple people would hit the "Buy Now" button at the same time. Since it is less likely that someone would gain an advantage from increasing the gas they're willing to pay, and it's unlikely that more than one person will be able to buy at the same time, that mostly takes care of the gas war aspect. I also just read that they've got something implemented to prevent more than one person buying at the same time. Super simple version of this as well... there's no real logical advantage to someone front-running one of these transactions because they would always be buying the plot at the highest price. Oversimplified, but relevant. Hope this helps.

P-@Liberte Автор вопроса
Darren WV
Mostly to prevent a gas war, the prices start high...

But what if everyone is ready to pay the top price .

P @Liberte
But what if everyone is ready to pay the top price...

Well then we’re pretty f’ed. it’s pretty unlikely though, especially with the market being so depressed.

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