209 похожих чатов

Understood, thanks. In terms of the bp… basically projects will bribe

veFXS holders to vote for their bp pair?
Would cvxFXS holders be able to participate as well?

2 ответов

8 просмотров

Are you asking if cvxFXS holders are able to vote? If so, cvxfxs holders have no voting rights. You simply deposit FXS to get cvxfxs, then convex takes the FXS and max locks it therefore giving the voting rights to cvx holders

Barry-Fried ‘½⏱’ Автор вопроса
Andy - IQ & Frax Finance - Attending GMVietnam 🇻🇳 @ TBW 13-18
Are you asking if cvxFXS holders are able to vote?...

Ahh so whether or not y’all stop bribing (you’re not atm), vlCVX holders will still receive bribes, whether coming from $veCRV or $veFXS

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