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@Samkazemian Can you adress this question for me and the

fxs/CVX comunity. There has been a lot of speculation based on some of your posts and some assumptions made by myself and others in the comunity based on what we understand from the fraxbp proposal regarding the use of vlcvx and vecrv incentives to deliver back rewards earned by metapools paired with the frax basepool. In one of your responses to a comunity member on the proposal itself you mention how FXS would need to be minted comensarate with the amount of crv farmed and locked and that it would not affect fxs price for this very reason. My assumption based on your reply is that as new CRV gets locked an equal proportion of FXS would be minted to be paid in bribes for the next voting round to direct emissions to that particular pool. Does this not mean that bribes for 8both veCrv and vlcvx would grow in size over time as metapools tvls grow that are paired with the frax base pool? I am trying to figure out what the longterm effect the baasepool will have on bribes for the ecosystem. Based on what i have read thus far, it seems they should go up? Is this correct?

1 ответов

13 просмотров

I think they should go up long term yes or at least stay the same in line with the CRV/CVX token's price to earnings ratios. I was simply trying to clarify to the person in the thread that we do not anticipate lowering our bribe amount just because we are locking the veCRV earned from the FRAXBP. This is important to clear up since some people thought that if we do not sell CRV, then we do not bribe with FXS. That's not correct. They are separate budgets. And yes, tan tan says, the FXS is not minted. It's either allotted from the community treasury or from other bought back through other revenue sources.

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