to purchase nsbt up to 9 dollar (current market price)
take these hypothesis for tommorow
-assuming your new proposal is already applied
-cryptocurrency market take a dive, waves does -50%, thus BR<1
then the protocol will be able to issue some NSBT, whatever the moonfactor you want to decide, people will not buy it higher than 9usd as this is the marketprice(thats what they were agreeing to pay before the dive)
In fact, the price of NSBT (price up to which the contract will find some buyers ton jump in) would more likely dive as well, as the entire market went -50% as we said and people expect some NSBT to be minted, thus supply increase, thus probably will not agree to purchase NSBT higher than 3-4-5, okay lets say 6 in the good case (knowing yesterday on 29 december 2020 they were buying it for 9 in the best market conditions))
but lets say any amount of NSBT printed(knowing your proposition passed and that the max added supply is 1 mlion nsbt) would find buyers up to 6USD, above that, even if your moon factor push the issue price to infinite, it wouldnt find any buyer as this is simply the market price, if I put an order now for selling nsbt at 40 usd it will not meet any buyer on your dex :)
Knowing most of the nsbt will be sold below 1 usd as BR would be very small in the hypothesis taken, and that the minting of a a large quantity up to maxcap of NSBT below 1 usd wouldnt do anything to BR as we are comparing a hundreds millions mkcap of collateral for usdn to issuing maybe 700 thousands unit of nsbt for 1 or less usd.
Then your moon factor take over and even if BR stays low it push issuance price, some NSBT continue to be issued between 1-6 usd max, then no buyers will be met as said before under our hypothesis for today.
we barely recollateralized 2 millions usd worth of wave?...
Am I wrong ?
why noone was listening to me on january 2021, we see now that moon factor was useless
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