209 похожих чатов

You guys done nothing but fk fxs holders in the

ass ever since the luna fiasco through selling,recollateralization and now you even seem to be fking us through the fraxswap as well, correct me if i'm wrong but what's currently going on is complete bs, all that for what? increase in backing for couple %, lot better ways to do that over time than nuking your value accrual token

7 ответов

10 просмотров

Dude literally all of crypto is taking a shit, you are just assigning whatever fantastical narrative your mind comes up with to justify it. Silly game trying to build a narrative to why price goes up and down

Can you explain what’s happening with the frax swap

Zoogeystix (¤, ¤)
Dude literally all of crypto is taking a shit, you...

i don't think he is. you can take $10k FRAX and buy FXS via TWAMM at 3.9, then go dump that anywhere else at $5.9/fxs

Marko- Автор вопроса
Frax Goat (¤, ¤)
Can you explain what’s happening with the frax swa...

when someone sells fxs on fraxswap, fraxswap sells fxs on uniswap, when someone buys fxs on fraxswap, fraxswap takes frax and gives them fxs, without buying fxs on uniswap, which creates constant negative price impact on open market

when someone sells fxs on fraxswap, fraxswap sells...

We’re all part of the frax community, let’s just constructively criticize the team and try to help each other out instead of yelling :)

This is an AMM that lets people sell either side of tokens for the other one over a period of time. I think you understand this. The way that it works is exactly the intention. The AMM adds 1 side of the tokens slowly into the reserve to lower the effective price until someone arbs this lower price to another market like a CEX or Uniswap. It is specifically built this way. It is how a TWAMM works. You can look at the docs https://docs.frax.finance/fraxswap Coming here to post something conspiratorial because you're upset about the price of the token is just a waste of time for people to respond to you. If you have an actual technical criticism or specific issue with the code (which is open source) just remove your personal color and actually describe it clearly.

Marko- Автор вопроса
Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
This is an AMM that lets people sell either side o...

I don't get it, what i see on chain is that someone can just open short and keep swapping frax -> fxs on fraxswap (no positive price impact) and keep dumping fxs -> frax on uniswap, repeat until fxs=0

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