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By the way has the police managed to handle that

Korean boy with lunc? Will he be arrested or already bribed everyone with our money?

10 ответов

9 просмотров

the rich dont get arrested , they sue and take each other to court

Al- Автор вопроса
the rich dont get arrested , they sue and take eac...

Good example of how our justice work. Tax, police departments etc work to control poor and protect rich

There is a due process in a law. You cannot arrest someone immediately. It needs to investigate in court.

Al- Автор вопроса
Crypto Info
There is a due process in a law. You cannot arrest...

They can if a suspect has no money or connections with rich

They can if a suspect has no money or connections ...

Yeah... Injustice is very evident in this world..

Al- Автор вопроса
Crypto Info
Yeah... Injustice is very evident in this world..

Thats how everything works in our world. Rich people even create war and provide them with weapons to kill each other and get more money

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