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Is Sam commenting on Hamz pre-proposal yet?

3 ответов

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I've been talking to Hamz. I think his overall ideas are good. But there's a few statistics/numbers that are clearly not correct/innaccurate. I'm discussing it with him to better understand each other 🙂

Logarithmic Rex-Salomon Автор вопроса
Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
I've been talking to Hamz. I think his overall ide...

Thanks for the repsonse! Thats great to hear! But I actually meant "are you publically commenting on your thoughts on the proposal and if you are going to support it."

Logarithmic Rex Salomon
Thanks for the repsonse! Thats great to hear! But ...

I'd like to better understand it more directly from Hamz before making any public statements so we can be sure we all understand each other.

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