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Can someone explain where hedera gets their money from?

6 ответов

9 просмотров

Explain, what money?

They raised their initial money through 3 SAFT rounds. If you look in the meeting minutes they approved raising some more money, but I don’t think I’ve seen them move on that - but I’m not sure.

J.-T Автор вопроса
Explain, what money?

Money for funding money hackathons money for prizes

J.-T Автор вопроса
They raised their initial money through 3 SAFT rou...

Yup i dont really see news of them raising funds or anything like that. Neither do i see news of venturecapitals putting in money

J.-T Автор вопроса
J. T
Yup i dont really see news of them raising funds o...

Does nobody have any questions on this? Where is all the funding coming from.

J. T
Does nobody have any questions on this? Where is a...

I don’t understand what you are not seeing. They did 3 SAFT rounds - that is well known and well documented. If you care to take a moment and look through the GC meeting minutes you will see where the GC approved to lift the fund raise limit to $42 million if I remember correctly. I also seem to remember a VC raise of capital in a separate GC meeting minutes, but I don’t recall the details. All this information is on their website. It’s your choice to look for it or not. People aren’t concerned about it because, like me they researched all this and found the answers they were looking for prior to investing. Or, they don’t care. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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