210 похожих чатов

@Farfaraway hey Rami, i saw an interesting question on the

french chat about "and IF there was a major problem during the merge on Eth /eth2.0, that could, in the worst scenario résult in a loss of our UOS", could you guys also focus on adding ledger, so we ça finally move our coin on the ultra mainet?

6 ответов

12 просмотров

i also thought about that extreme scenario. but realistically, if all ERC-20 coins disappear into nothing, the whole crypto space would collapse.

Good question

I would think they could look at the last eth block and have a way to log in with metamask to redeem those erc20s as native UOS. Just a guess.

Dave- Автор вопроса

@Patrick_Ultra any info about that Patrick?

Dave- Автор вопроса
Ok thanks, and about that ?

Basically how we want it , is that in the future when you sign a transaction in ultra it'll ask you to plug in your ledger For more technical questions like that I would recommend joining the Discord // There is a specific channel for that

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