I like to use Hashpack and then move it to Dcent bio. Exodous is also pretty good. With hashpack you can stake on Stader as well as add to tangent pools and soon saucer swap so it does more. So, I use Hasphack then move to Dcent bio as it supports HTS. Now is def the time to get that wallet full of HBARS. Dang what a bargain.
Considering the fact that you say that no matter what the price is. I think we can just call you a shill now.
The price of HBAR, BTC, ETH, etc. i makes no difference today at all, just like the price of gasoline. It will all change soon. HBAR just happens to have the most potential.
Tell you what, let’s put this to the test. If any price is good I’ve got some hbar you can have for 10cents each. How much would you like?
None, since I can get it for 6-7 cents today.
If you think the price of gas doesn’t matter you obviously still live in your moms basement lol
But price doesn’t matter?
It does not, as it will all change soon again.
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