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💕Join our upcoming #AMA with aquanee for a chance to

win a HUGE prize!

⏰11:00 (UTC), Jun 16, 2022
✅Leave your questions about Aquanee & wallet address down here👇
💰$200 USDT in $AQDC for 10 questions: 5 for Chinese community, 5 for English community.
🏠Venue: https://t.me/MdexEN

Retweet: https://twitter.com/Mdextech/status/1537036160656351233?s=20&t=qDQ-glGo2d0v_THbL493uQ

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6 ответов

8 просмотров

@justnow09 can i still send my questions

Will it start in another 24 minutes?

Reward sent??

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