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What is the best wallet to hold sys in?

13 ответов

14 просмотров

metamask secured with ledger

What problem did you have or how did you do it?

Barry-Hall Автор вопроса
function(0x){Marki} | Syscoin | Rollux 🇪🇸🇮🇨
What problem did you have or how did you do it?

It just tells me it’s not a valid sys wallet. I’m trying to send it from an Australian exchange called swyftx. Not sure if that’s got anything to do with it

That's for sure because you're sending directly from an exchange that uses the UTXO chain, to Metamask, which uses the NEVM chain. That is not possible. You need to do bridge.

We have to differentiate the two types of layers that we can find in Syscoin. » On the one hand we have the main layer, Syscoin UTXO, whose Wallet addresses begin with "sys1...". » On the other hand, we have the Syscoin NEVM layer, where the smart contracts and the Syscoin ecosystem are hosted, whose Wallet addresses begin with "0x...". The sending or transaction between both layers directly is incompatible. For this reason, we must always pay attention to the source and destination wallet, to detect that direct shipment incompatibility exists. Situations that we can find: ✅ » FROM "0x..." TO "0x..." ❌ » FROM "0x..." TO "sys1..." ✅ » FROM "sys1..." TO "sys1..." ❌ » FROM "sys1..." TO "0x..." Whenever we want to go from a UTXO chain to NEVM, we must use a bridge: - Types of BRIDGES: :: Decentralized: » Bridge Pali Wallet UTXO » Metamask NEVM (https://bridge.syscoin.org) :: Centralized: » Use Single Chain Exchange (UTXO or NEVM) » Sell SYS for USDT » Send USDT for TRC20 to the other Exchange » Buy SYS » Withdraw SYS by the other layer » Use Exchange with both chains (UTXO and NEVM) » Send SYS by one layer » Withdraw SYS by the other layer Currently EXCHANGES use: » DigiFinex: UTXO + NEVM » KuCoin: NEVM » All others: UTXO WALLETS that support Syscoin: - Browser Extension: » Pali Wallet (UTXO) » MathWallet (NEVM) » Metamask (NEVM) - Mobile Apps: » Go Pocket (NEVM) » MathWallet (NEVM) » Klever Wallet (UTXO) » Coinomi (UTXO) » ViaWallet (UTXO)

function(0x){Marki} | Syscoin | Rollux 🇪🇸🇮🇨
We have to differentiate the two types of layers t...

I'm confused here.... I have a math wallet, and I want to buy Syscoin from Binance with USDT, will the address start with 0x or 1? For Binance. Or does Binance support only UTXO? ADDRESS?

What exchange supports NEVM?

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