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Mrscatterbrain What’s the value proposition of Zcash beyond privacy? I’m a

huge fan of their work, but ZEC as a token has no utility other than speculation. Same goes for BTC. It doesn’t seem feasible to ever build DApps or ecosystems on top of ZEC when you already have L1 blockchains like Cardano, Algorand, Avalanche etc. BTW, Algorand has made it clear they will be adding privacy to their smart contracts. Cardano will likely do the same. What’s the value of ZEC when that happens? I have a scarce, hard-capped token like ADA or ALGO that entire financial markets can be built on top of and they offer privacy. What’s the point of holding ZEC?

1 ответов

8 просмотров

I dont recommend finding conviction from random internet strangers.

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