protocol owned fxsfrax pool on fraxswap might be created before the uniswap v2 fxsfrax pool would unlock and liquidity would be taken out.
This is quite important from a risk point of view, because if done improperly, there might be insufficient liquidity for fxs. A collapsing fxs price could undermine trust in the frax project, which is not something we need right now.
Could you give some guidance on the latest thinking on this @samkazemian ? Thnx!
Relevant extract from FIP79:
Im not comfortable to do migration at current crypto environment
worst case, we lose $25m of collateral, just like we did when UST went to $0
that is an unnecessary drama
arent you already short on collateral
i dont currently have an active margin position.
I mean Frax as a whole
all the collateral can be confirmed on chain
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