209 похожих чатов

The community noticed the higher APY given to LN and

ETH recently without anyone unstaking. What determines how rewards are distributed amongst the pools? The community is glad the APY went up but would like to know the reason and if there should be a concern one day it may go down (separate from of course stakers coming into the pool)

3 ответов

12 просмотров

Can I tack a related question onto the end of Sara's question? I've noticed the actual amount being paid in 15 rewards can be different from the posted APY (the difference is not solely due to the amount of collateral, the difference is too large for that to be the sole answer). Is there a lag in the change of paid rewards vs. the change is the posted APY? I'll given an example, Lightning recently change to ~10.5%, but the APY being paid out is roughly ~7.6%.

Great question. An expert/admin could address. I've confirmed similar info... With the addition of high rewards to the tune of 12.2% (in a single 15 minute period) with continuous variance. Overall, I believe the published reward APY is accurate over a 24 hour period.

n₳kism NF₳
Great question. An expert/admin could address. I'v...

I believe it's a blended rate (take all the periods add them up and divide by the total number of periods) so that the rate for any 15m period can vary

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