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Whales aren't buying an almost 50% share at the current

price to sell it to us... Are people here retarded? Mid to long term (1-5years) shows great signs for a currency technology that can replace paper and physically represented wealth. Chill the fuck down you plebs.

2 ответов

13 просмотров

most people dont have much cash reserve, they need cash

Rikke- Автор вопроса
most people dont have much cash reserve, they need...

Most people who aren't whales should have played the market at their own level. If you're a bottom feeder, feed at the bottom. Don't bitch about it when you buy high and get rekt. The people with the investment capital make the plays, if you merely follow, follow at a pace that suits your budget. The next halving is due in two years. Consistently, halving has meant huge gains to the market, and prior to those bursts, huge downsides, even up to 90% down. These are the times to bottom feed. Buying high and blaming a whale is like biting a shark and blaming it for eating you.

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