209 похожих чатов

Hey fam! just loading up my local node and it is

very slow. Seems like it is downloading the whole thing again after updatting the software. Should just start from where it left off.

Also there is only 1 peer rn.

is there any way to add peers?

5 ответов

15 просмотров

Shouldn’t redownload after update, make sure you have blockchain location correct

Krypt_K33P3R- Автор вопроса
Shouldn’t redownload after update, make sure you h...

Never had this issure before. But it is indeed starting from beginning... Must have just overwrited the files I had. Or I effed something up

Never had this issure before. But it is indeed sta...

Nope, you have location incorrect or you deleted the blockchain by mistake before starting monerod

Krypt_K33P3R- Автор вопроса
Nope, you have location incorrect or you deleted t...

alirght. Appreciate the direction. ganna work from here.

Krypt_K33P3R- Автор вопроса
Nope, you have location incorrect or you deleted t...

Not sure how man. I didn't delete anything. Just downloaded update and ran the new gui app via linux. Like I always do. There is some memory of some kind left because it does show my balance. So it must have not completely started over. Anyway, just ganna let it do its thaing player.

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