209 похожих чатов

Is there also any info on eurn and other assets

fees ? Are we still getting these drops in the future😅

7 ответов

10 просмотров
Jaimy- Автор вопроса

Oke, thanks needed to see if I could order my new car already 😂

Oke, thanks needed to see if I could order my new ...

Hmmm, you can try Lambo investments - who knows, maybe there will be no need to order a new one ;)

No not everyone

Roronoa Erk
No not everyone

you don't like sports cars or do you want something better than a lambo??

Last guy had cash...

Littleshoe 🌊 (1 ➝ 2)
Last guy had cash...

I'm not surprised that he made that decision

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