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People conflate the cost of using a network with its

value. Being cheap to use does not somehow diminish the fact the world's largest company uses the network.

What is true is that the network needs far higher volumes of transactions, and of course, that is the objective. But companies have to be ready to deliver large volumes of transactions too, its not simply on VeChain to tell them when to do that.

In that time, having a very cheap network will of course be the most desirable thing.

Ethereum in the bull run was costing people 1000s of dollars to do complex smart contract transactions. That's not good, or sustainable. Does it make Ethereum better because 1 Tx cost more than all of Walmart's operations for a day? I certainly don't think so. For mass adoption to be viable, the network has to be cheap and scalable, else it will never be adopted.

Enjoy your dinner, you must be central Europe, still an hour to go for me ;)

1 ответов

8 просмотров

Thanks again.NL it is 😎. Its just , all those partners are invisible on the network. Low cost, like vtho is ofcourse a big plus for large companies to do a lot of transactions, totaly agree. But when I read that Tesla might be interrested in getting battery tech from BYD, at some time it would be nice to see some action from BYD. Unfortunatly also a chinese company….

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