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May I ask what's the difference between pancakeswap and Kyber


1 ответов

13 просмотров

Hi @Tomforr283, Basically, PancakeSwap is a DEX only for BNB chain., KyberSwap is a DEX aggregator, meaning we intergrate and leverage liquidity from 80+ DEXs across 12 chains to bring you the best rates for your trades. PancakeSwap also aggreagtes liquidity but you are limited to BNB chain. Another thing to note is that PancakeSwap charges a platform fee of 0.25% per trade while KyberSwap does not charge any platform fees. Another thing that KyberSwap has that PancakeSwap doesn't is concentrated liquidity with our new KyberSwap Elastic protocol, a tick-based AMM with customizable price ranges, reinvestment curve and other advanced features to help LPs optimize their earnings even further. You may learn more about KyberSwap Elastic here: https://blog.kyber.network/announcing-our-new-kyberswap-protocol-kyberswap-elastic-9cab14259d4a

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