209 похожих чатов

Hello there. I’m pretty new to $AMP and I’m reading

as much as I can on it. I’m really stoked about the AMP potential in general and I see the problem that is solving. What I don’t understand is what is the incentive for someone like me (retail) to hold and stake AMP. The reason I’m saying this is because on the surface it seems the staker/holder is assuming all risk to have its AMP slashed and the staking benefits are not that high. CoinBureau did a pretty good review on this on YT. Am I missing something here that I don’t see maybe?

3 ответов

15 просмотров

Staking benefits are pretty high, tbh.

The risk is decentralized, as well. Penalizing fraudulent merchants have come up in this chat before too.

Mike-Dent Автор вопроса
The risk is decentralized, as well. Penalizing fra...

Like I said. Im trying to wrap my mind around this and see the utility. So far staking is the only one. And 2% reward I would not call it a strong incentive

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