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He has a lot of control of DigiByte despite his

supposedly strong support of decentralization: https://www.reddit.com/r/Digibyte/comments/v450sb/jared_tate/ib6g7e0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3

9 ответов

3 просмотра

For DigiByte help, check the DigiByte troubleshooting tool it covers most common problems. And if it doesn’t help you, it will put you in touch with our human volunteers. Only scammers will private message you.

Interesting thread overall. Hadn't read that

What a complete joke, you people are truly misled with nothing positive to contribute, but only division & hate. News flash for everyone, as typical there are many blatant lies in this. The amount of hate, division & drama you all have created has caused immense problems for DGB just because you disagree with me politically or don't have the guts to stand up for what's true and morally right. Not to mention the blatantly false info most of you have spread without ever substantiating. The fundamental truth is I have continually given up access, control, and responsibilities for years now, that is undeniable. But some of you clowns won't quit until I am completely removed from DGB everywhere and won't stand in your way for you to carry out your own selfish motivations to push DGB in a direction you all think you need (which is not even clearly defined or understood by your own selves or anyone else). News flash, I'm not going anywhere. And I am done tolerating your toxic bullshit. It's why I have most of you blocked on Twitter. If you people want to fork DGB, go for it, none of you know how to code or have contributed any meaningful working code in the first place. So good luck. It will blow up spectacularly. You all say I have held up development but not a damn one of you can show me or the community where I even held up a properly tested, finished, working piece of code that actually helps DGB out. The only time I ever held anything up is when I pointed out to people who directly asked me to review code which I then discovered was broken, dangerous & incomplete, then I attempted to work to fix it with them. This was not done maliciously, this was done to stop people from losing $$ with broken unfinished code & hurting DGB. As a founder that has spent almost a decade with the code base, I am in a unique position to have the hindsight and experience of learning from past mistakes and successes to help point out pain points. But that in no way means there are not other ways or things to do. I am learning new stuff all the time from other brilliant devs much better than I am. Now, let's set the record straight of some of the blatant lies in that post. 1) Josiah removed me as an iOS admin with admin control long ago, he created the iOS account and managed it under the NZ foundation, then left the community high and dry with it. No one is really managing it now. If they are I am unaware of who it is and was for sure intentionally left out of the loop on who. 2) Yes I own digibyte.io and digiexplore.info I registered them in 2013 when we needed them to support DGB... you all went behind my back to move to .org & screwed up a bunch of stuff I could have warned you about if you would have told me before you moved it, even though I would have been in favor of it being moved anyways because I never wanted the burden of maintaining that or a block explorer. I didn't complain but it was a shitty backstabbing move, where I lost a lot of faith/trust in some people in this community. I then pointed digibyte.io to redirect to the .org as it still does as we speak without publicly saying anything. By the way, I spent about $50,000 of my own money hosting DigiByte.io, the block explorer, and other services from 2013 -2022. Which I have never been reimbursed for... I had to do it to get DGB off the ground. So you're welcome, I never once publicly complained about it, and I always have wanted others to step up to the plate and take over. I have no desire to manage any infrastructure long-term. I want DGB to grow out organically. 3) No one uses digiassets.net today, it was another service I personally funded to help get DigiAssets off the ground (which by the way I conceptualized). How does my owning the domain control anything now? Total BS. Nothing is stopping anyone from registering another domain for digiassets service. Case in point digiassetx. The point is to get away from centralized DNS systems with blockchain (anyone who read my book gets this.)

Jared Tate
What a complete joke, you people are truly misled ...

For DigiByte help, check the DigiByte troubleshooting tool it covers most common problems. And if it doesn’t help you, it will put you in touch with our human volunteers. Only scammers will private message you.

4) I gave up access & admin rights to all telegram channels long ago, so that's blatant bullshit, look for yourself, I am not even an admin in this chat or others. If I still am in some random channel I don't even know it nor have I ever been around to use it in a long time. 5) I don't have the ability to super control the current GitHub and skip the review process, nor would I. Yes, I am one of the GitHub admins and can add other reviewers, or other admins, but so are multiple other people. So to say I am the only one is BS. If you want to be added as one, start adding meaningful code and contributions. Nothing is stopping any of you. 6) Yes I can contribute code, because guess what I am one of the only people continuing to contribute working code and move things forward. Where are the rest of you armchair quarterbacks' code contributions? 7) Yes I have admin ownership to Twitter, there is no way to have a shared main admin account, it requires a unique phone, email etc controlled by one person. But there are numerous people with access to it through the tweet deck. Which I freely added and shared access with before any of this drama ever occured. I started sharing access in 2016. Have you noticed there is not much content coming from the main account? I stopped contributing to it as I am tired of the constant drama and nit-picking of nuanced details on what's appropriate or not. No one agrees on how it should be used, everyone has a different opinion. Others have stopped as well as no one wants to deal with the constant drama. I have talked to numerous people in private about finding ways to shard the keys/ password and split ownership so no one single person controls it. But it is a centralized service built with centralized access controls. So if you all can agree on someone to take over, be my guest. But I have never found people to agree as to who that single person should be. It is also a highly unfair burden ripe with drama I would not push on anyone. The reality is TWITTER IS NOT THE DIGIBYTE BLOCKCHAIN. Its no different than reddit, bitcointalk, instagram, facebook, etc. Its one of many public dicussion forums. Pick your favorite and help with it. So if you all want to keep wasting your time plotting my removal completely from DGB, be my guest, you people are running it into the ground. I don't agree with many of you on some of your idiotic viewpoints, but hey, DGB is decentralized and you are just as welcome here as I am. I am not trying to run you off. I encourage you all to ask questions and raise concerns, it is healthy. But continued hostility and the continual slandering of my name is only going to raise a fight with me personally, I am done letting all the slandering slide & ignoring blatant lies in order to "get along". The gloves are coming off. I created DGB to get away from tyrannical, corrupt global banking cartels working to enslave humanity. You may all think I am the enemy, but that's the furthest thing from the truth. I have a proven public track record for almost a decade now standing up for freedom, decentralization, and truth.... Standing up to corrupt forces working to centralize and control crypto... now look where we are. These forces bastardized and now control most of crypto. I was continually told to shut up and only talk about DGB anytime I tried to expose scammers, fraudsters, and con artists exploiting crypto with 100% premines, rigging markets, and asking for pay-to-play bribes. Now I realize most of you anon voices & keyboard warriors trying to censor me are the problem, not the solution. The solution is free speech, true decentralization & open robust collaboration, even when we disagree. And the solution is highlighting to the world that DGB is the best combination of speed, decentralization, and security in the world today. So many of you want to nit-pick details instead of taking a step back and looking at the big picture. DGB is the best damn blockchain in the world today. But that comes with some real challenges. It is up to us to work through these challenges.

Jared Tate
What a complete joke, you people are truly misled ...

Once again, not a single thing I posted here in this message is getting refuted. Instead anon trolls resort to personal slander, lies, toxicity and doing everything they can to sew division, argument and keep the DGB community divided instead of helping move things forward. These trolls have a very clear agenda, ignore them, collaborate and lets move DGB forward. With that I am off to bed to be a productive human being tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who believes in DGB. I truly believe DGB is the best blockchain in the world today, despite the adversity. We will overcome it.

Jared Tate
Once again, not a single thing I posted here in th...

Jared have you considered getting in touch with a Presearch about implementing DIgiID log-in on their decentralized search engine platform ? I think it would be a match made in heaven

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