209 похожих чатов

Hey guys - apologies but haven’t had Daily allocation of

TLM for 3 days now as a landowner and unable to claim manually as comes up with an error… I am a relatively new landowner so don’t know how to rectify.

Do we just wait till it sorts itself out or?

5 ответов

9 просмотров

Hello what is the error that you receive when trying to claim your DTAL Manually?

Varsity- Автор вопроса

Or is it just 3 days that you have the land my fellow explorer?

Varsity- Автор вопроса
Or is it just 3 days that you have the land my fel...

Had about 2 weeks but this is the first time it hasn’t been coming through… every other day it was like clockwork

Had about 2 weeks but this is the first time it ha...

Kindly send a ticket my fellow explorer with that screenshot https://alienworlds.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

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