209 похожих чатов

I was mining and went from xx26.97 to xx26.11 instead

of going up to xx27… what’s up with that?

9 ответов

7 просмотров

The TLM mined always changes my fellow explorer. Depends on how many active miners mining at the same time as yours and it's weekends it is just normal. 😊

Varsity- Автор вопроса
The TLM mined always changes my fellow explorer. D...

Nono what I wan is I had 26 Tlm already, I was at 26.97 and mine 0.0014 it should have taken me over to 27 Tlm but instead it started at 26 again… so went 1 Tlm backwards

Nono what I wan is I had 26 Tlm already, I was at ...

I see did you already refresh the game UI my fellow explorer or check wax cloud wallet if your TLM became lesser

Varsity- Автор вопроса
I see did you already refresh the game UI my fello...

Using on chrome…. After every mine it does update but just when it was meant to tick over to next number it didn’t…

Varsity- Автор вопроса
Darica Lewiz
Kindly check on https://wax.bloks.io/

No problem I will check, am I just check my wallet balance there or?

No problem I will check, am I just check my wallet...

Just paste your wax address on the search bar and it will show you all the transactions on your wallet. You can also filter it just like this one.

No problem I will check, am I just check my wallet...

Just check your balance my fellow explorer

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