209 похожих чатов

When do we go 🚀🚀🚀?? We have the technology, speed,

councilmembers and partnerships? Why don’t we fly??

6 ответов

9 просмотров

We don't need to compete with Ethereum. The Ethereum community may be large in the context of today's cryptosphere, but it will be tiny in tomorrow's. Many new services will appear on Hedera that simply aren't viable on the Ethereum network, and these will attract many of the newcomers to the cryptosphere. Developers will want to interact with this new generation of crypto users, and will likely replicate on Hedera the valuable services currently found on Ethereum. I'm not saying that Ethereum is finished, but I am very confident that, in the fulness of time, Hedera will dwarf it.

We don't need to compete with Ethereum. The Ethere...

Ethereum is 125x the market cap of Hedera. They are moving to POS with sharding. They are a competitor.

Ethereum is 125x the market cap of Hedera. They a...

Even with POS, Ethereum will still only operate at 15tps. In terms of sharding, in order to be able to cope with the Coupon Bureau's projected transaction throughput, Ethereum would need around a thousand shards. Just for that one use-case. Think of the hardware required. Hedera can comfortably accommodate the Coupon Bureau within one shard. Ethereum isn't a competitor because Ethereum doesn't have a hope of delivering Web3. As for the difference in market cap... well, therein lies the opportunity. If you believe in Web3, Hedera is the mother of all asymmetric bets.

Even with POS, Ethereum will still only operate at...

Where did you get from, that the tps will only be 15? I read that it will be up to 100k tps, just curious

Even with POS, Ethereum will still only operate at...

I agree that technically, Hedera beats Ethereum at everything by a long shot. Lets hope instituational investors start noticing when Coupon Bureau and others start going live and TPS increases. So far, investors are not using utility as a metric to invest. If that changes, then we are good.

I agree that technically, Hedera beats Ethereum at...

Everything except node decentralisation. This is the last hurdle for Hedera. Once permissionless nodes are allowed then Hedera will have reached DLT nirvana.

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