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So, Walmart chain and Amazon chain can now be a

thing on metalchain? And maybe mix in a little buy now pay later feature on metal pay or partner with affirm. Many possibilities here

3 ответов

11 просмотров

exactly and we are going to need true decentralized bridging because the situation will only get worse in terms of the bridge hacking

Where does proton xpr will come in picture here?

Jim T-- CTRAVL - BLPAD - Homebloks Автор вопроса
Where does proton xpr will come in picture here?

I think proton xpr will benefit in terms of visibility. Many companies wont need their own blockchain but will want to build a dapp on a blockchain. Hopefully proton xpr is marketed as new, sleek, fast, best etc vs eth and BTC old and slow. If metal ecosystem is marketed as the place to be, then I think a lot of people look at proton.

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