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Because why whould i maintain a server and pay money

for that if I can just use other approaches to build a transaction?
Every developer is also a user. I’m developing my dapp and I use APIs of other programs.
And you as a infrastructure developer should care about adoption and hear users(devs) feedback. If you spend time to build a protocol called ErgoPay and nobody uses it, maybe your approach is too compicated and it’s better to ask people, how would they prefer to use ergopay in their dapps

3 ответов

8 просмотров

but you already maintain and pay for a server that serves your web site and the js files that interact with nautilus. I totally hear to user's feedback, but the feedback of developers that actually tried implementing ergopay is a bit more valid in my eyes than the feedback that someone just doesn't want to try it because they think it is superfluous. so far the feedback from developers actually implementing ergopay - it is not only me - is that it was smooth to implement and worked immediately as expected.

Ilya- Автор вопроса

I’m not paying for server. The FE is hosted as static pages. It’s a modern approach of doing it. Tools like Netlify allows me to build a CI/CD pipe for frontend without having any server and paying 0. For backend I’ll always prefer to reduce the usage of servers, because I want to focus on business aspects and features and not devops, so if it possible I’ll use serverless. Hosting AppKit is overkill for just building a transactions logic. I don’t know what other devs experience, but I’m not aware of any big dapps using it. ErgoPay approach in my opinion is artificially over compicated.

I’m not paying for server. The FE is hosted as sta...

that means you want to run your code on user's devices to not do it yourself. that is valid. but it means to a) run it within a web browser or b) run it within an application on the user's device Solution b can be achieved with the following approaches: b1) you publish your own applications for the users to download or b2) you hope for a wallet application with a plugin system that downloads and runs your code My guess is that b2 is what you hope for. But b2 is not achievable on mobile, because it is simply forbidden by the mobile ecosystem's gatekeepers to do that. the only way to bring some kind of dynamic behaviour to mobile apps, is ... to run the code needed on a backend server.

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