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Sorry if I'm posing any premature/obvious questions. Stumbled upon Ultra

last week and just diving in atm.

Tokenomics article on medium mentioned expected average profit from game investments being 30%. Does this include all game investments, the ones that will inevitably fail as well as the big boys making >100x returns?

The whitepaper mentions players earning money for participating in beta tests, ads, curating games and more. Are these tokens earned also subject to the 0% cash-out (currently)?

Player acquisition seems a big part of growing Ultra (just like companies) and there is 15,46% of tokens allocated for growth. With three years in existence, how come the discord hasn't grown? Seems as one of the first steps for onboarding gamers before blockchain games are actually played. Same goes for the influencers, if you could.

While on the topic of influencers, the whitepaper has the following table. What does it reflect, I can't really figure that out.

2 ответов

6 просмотров

Hello sir ! The discord is actually getting worked on since some time. We had a discord, but our CM, @Patrick_Ultra is making it a lot better Influencers will come with time, the platform is not available for a lot of people, it's hard to make some marketing and communication with influenceurs if they don't have access to the platform. So end of year it will be moving a lot ! Not sure I understood the question about the cash-out, will let someone else answer

Niels-dB Автор вопроса
GodGiven ᕫ
Hello sir ! The discord is actually getting worke...

Thanks for the answers. Will keep an eye on the progress of discord and Patrick 😏 Fair, not expecting content if developers cant access it. However, the community can still be built now. Yes, companies and games building on ultra will attract gamers, but vice versa does a strong community incentivise developers to build here due to exposure. Is there no program building a community using traditional gaming atm?

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