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JustAsk here

Feel free to ask what u need 👍🏻

Ykato-Fan Автор вопроса
Carlos_TRX | TRONIC | 🇪🇦
Feel free to ask what u need 👍🏻

Ok, don’t want to upset anyone. Looking to find who to reach out to about business partnership. I’m invested in another project that I believe can offer something for TRON ecosystem. I’m just seeking the best way to approach it.

Ykato Fan
Ok, don’t want to upset anyone. Looking to find wh...

Here are the TRON DAO emails in case you want to share your ideas: 🙏🏻: Feedback feedback@tron.network Media Inquiries press@tron.network support@trondao.org Customer Service service@tron.network

Ykato-Fan Автор вопроса

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