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Can anyone explain the differences between USDC and USDC-hts in

Sauce Swap
both are Hedera tokens Right?

10 ответов

16 просмотров

@Gomadosnitro this is correct - USDC is the native hts token - currently the only way I know to get it, aside from swapping on ss, is to pay like a 6% premium through banxa. The USDC[hts] token is the eth version of USDC ported through hashport to become an hts token that way.

6% , who uses something like that?

Well there’s now a demand for the native usdc hts token due to ss, because there are pools incentivized with farming rewards that require it. Before ss, I don’t know if anyone was using banxa much.

Still, i wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole, the fees in the conventional market are a main reason why crypto exists. 6% is way too high.

Still, i wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole, t...

I agree, we need an on ramp for the hedera native usdc token that costs less.

USDC[hts] is bridged from Ethereum via Hashport USDC is native to Hedera (https://www.circle.com/en/usdc-multichain/hedera)

I agree, we need an on ramp for the hedera native ...

Do you know what the fee is with hashport bridge?

I agree, we need an on ramp for the hedera native ...

ideally an exchange such as Bitrue, which already supports and has listed HTS tokens should support hUSDC.

Do you know what the fee is with hashport bridge?

It’s relatively low, I did it once. Hashport uses hedera for as much as possible to keep the fees down, so all you need to pay in eth gas fees is like maybe a dollar-ish per port, but it seems like you need at least maybe $200 of eth sitting in metamask just to get hashport to try to make it work. Hashport is admirable, but eth is still eth. Also when you bridge the erc-20 usdc and bring it over, it’s a different token than the native usdc token.

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