210 похожих чатов

Installed the UP browser extension. Now how to send

tokwn assets out? Can somebody help? So confusing compared to Metamask :-((

6 ответов

2 просмотра

Did you try the Sample dApp? https://up-sample-web-app.staging.lukso.dev/

John-Johnson Автор вопроса
Felipe 🤟
Did you try the Sample dApp? https://up-sample-web...

No, but I will. Thank you. The question though still stands about Lukso Browser Extension. WTF am I missing. I can’r send any funds and it sure is more confusing than Metamask :-((

John Johnson
No, but I will. Thank you. The question though st...

Dude, your short sight amazes me! The concept is amazing, very simple and elegant, and obviously way beyond Metamask!

John-Johnson Автор вопроса
Eric P.
Dude, your short sight amazes me! The concept is a...

Well, can u answer a specific question? 1. How to send a token from UP? 2. What to do if forget a password?

John Johnson
Well, can u answer a specific question? 1. How to ...

I hope one day you realize that they are in Alpha Testing phase, and it is being used by devs mainly. This is not a final product! The info you are looking for is in the guides on the website.

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