209 похожих чатов

Hey have wee problem with analysis of all on chain

data for HTS tokens if someone is knowledgable in this area & could point me in the right direction would help me alot. Dragon glass has all the on chain data for any token on hts once enter token ID however dragonglass is not exactly user friendly in the way i cannot summarise by holders etc like on ethscan or bscscan! Hedera has other explorers like hashscan which is great but why only goes to 10 pages of data ? it means I cant see half the wallets also no summary by holders size . Hash-Hash was great but is down for maintenance .kabuto ,energi or hashlog explorers I can't seem to get complete transaction history for token ID's either .. Is there another explorer you folks use ? thanks

4 ответов

15 просмотров
Captain-Spongebob Автор вопроса

I’m asking months can someone please point me in the right direction for a complete data set if transactions hashscan is only 10 pages 🙁

Captain Spongebob
I’m asking months can someone please point me in t...

That's a flaw surely? For TAX reporting purposes we all will need 12mths worth of clean, clear data of all our transactions. 10pages is not going to help.

Captain-Spongebob Автор вопроса
Lee (Alt)

Dragonglass shows 2.5 transactions a page 🙁

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