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Ah, I made a mistake, swapped ERG for Sig but

forgot that I need ERG for gas fees. Is there any way I can convert like 1-2 Sig into ERG in a gasless tx?

5 ответов

5 просмотров

/t 1 erg

J |The Ergod|
/t 1 erg

<neophyte> ah, tx man

Nxt- Автор вопроса
J |The Ergod|
/t 1 erg

this discord/tg bridge is a bit confusing lol

Soon you will be able to do this with babel fees 👍

Nxt- Автор вопроса
Soon you will be able to do this with babel fees 👍

Yes, it's amazing, waiting for this to go live on Cardano too

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