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386 views on the youtube video. Where is the marketing?

9 ответов

5 просмотров

I feel like there's a bottle neck for marketing. The team tries its best, but outreach and impact is not that effective.

Rocky | METAL to $10
Whose incompetence?

You said - The team tries its best, but outreach and impact is not that effective.

Rocky | METAL to $10
I feel like there's a bottle neck for marketing. T...

Rocky I suspect they are marketing to people in places you don't frequent. Before you criticize, think about who their target is.

Rocky I suspect they are marketing to people in pl...

The most important metric is new users coming in. Without that theres no mass adoption, no moon and no lambos. What were all waiting for is people coming in. Wheres them peoples at

The most important metric is new users coming in. ...


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