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Newbie question, when ETH fork goes live, will we get

free Hex on ETH PoW chain?

3 ответов

12 просмотров

Yes. The question is, will there be any liquidity.. No USDC

Andy-Roo Автор вопроса
Michael Light
Yes. The question is, will there be any liquidity....

🤔true. Unless someone bridges in ... gosh of all things ETH. so WETH/HEX on ETHW chain :P lol too many W's...

Andy Roo
🤔true. Unless someone bridges in ... gosh of all t...

Thisvis just my opinion, but PoW eth is going to be a dump fest. And eth2.0 is going to be even less exciting than a pair of socks for chrismas. The real issue with it won't be solved, it's pretty much, just another day.

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