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They were thinking of pairing with ETH, would you not

incentivize FrxETH pairs as well?

2 ответов

6 просмотров

It might take us longer to come up with a co-incentives program for the frxETH pairings compared to the FRAXBP metapools since the FRAXBP one has been running for a while and so far doing great. But definitely open to it if frxETH is highly preferred.

Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
It might take us longer to come up with a co-incen...

When in the flywheel episode today that Jack discussed fraxETH being able to earn increased yield over products like steth he mentioned the usdc backing it that earns revenue could be distributed. So that’s going to just be a portion of what was FXS revenue that will be used from the AMO’s to enhance the fraxETH yield? And also - assuming all things being equal with the same volume of blocks etc and mev revenues extracted to rocketpool or lido of the world, would fraxETH theoretically having the highest yield due solely to the addition of extra rewards the frax finance protocol as an entire project would be distributing over

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