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Guy, can someone clarify for me? If I lock my

FXS for veFXS, do I get any other financial benefit from it besides having better yields from the staking pools? Let’s say I do not participate in any of the pools, do I get some yield for just having veFXS?

8 ответов

15 просмотров

Yes you get rewards for staking FXS for veFXS as well as voting participation rights on governance proposals

Here is the documentation on veFXS for reference: https://docs.frax.finance/vefxs/vefxs

SUBGURU- Автор вопроса
Andy - IQ.wiki & Frax Finance - Attending 🇭🇰🇯🇵🇦🇪🇹🇭 @ TBW 13-18
Yes you get rewards for staking FXS for veFXS as w...

Yeah I know about the governance rights. I was just interested in yields only in this respect. How much is the yield from having veFXS right now?

Yeah I know about the governance rights. I was jus...

Current APR is 2.22% as of writing. You can check the details here: https://app.frax.finance/vefxs

SUBGURU- Автор вопроса

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