210 похожих чатов

Interesting how old B1 execs are suddenly concerned, with the

EOS "community". Days after far peak deal falls through.
Also odd that the first thing B1 chooses to donate to is something related to governance? 🤔
If they really want to help, support development, why not match all the recognition grants and other funding the network covered through the ENF as a start? They can do this easily! It sounds like to were willing to dish out 600 million in fees to merge with FPAC.



1 ответов

16 просмотров

We shall celebrate in Bali and pop champagne 🍾 when B1 ‘donates’ $4.1 billion to the EOS ecosystem to end the lawsuit against them, EOS price will most likely explode with such news! If B1 comes to their senses that this is the best way to move forward.

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