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You sound like you work for flexa and also think less than 1% of payments will be crypto

Naija 🦇🔊🪙- Автор вопроса
m₳n in bl₳ck
You sound like you work for flexa and also think l...

Lol just want to make people aware crypto payments wont work without Flexa. Just not feasible. The more you really understand crypto it become more apparent

Naija 🦇🔊🪙
Lol just want to make people aware crypto payments...

Agreed. And thats a level or two deeper than most go based on comments we’ve seen over the last year plus. I think when most talk about crypto payments in general, its important to keep in context the assumption that less than 1% of all txs on flexa will be crypto. Im going off that until proven otherwise. The financial upside to collateralizing non crypto payments is so effing large. And much more attractive imo.

Naija 🦇🔊🪙
Lol just want to make people aware crypto payments...

lets amend that to “without AMP” … we want decentralization

Naija 🦇🔊🪙- Автор вопроса
m₳n in bl₳ck
Agreed. And thats a level or two deeper than most ...

honestly i think Tyler maybe wrong with that assumption. Blockchain payments could be anything. we are not farfetched to issuing blockchain based credit, stable coin based gift card, Crypto Loyalty.. Fore Flexa that could be way more than 5%. in the grand scheme for AMP however that could be less than 1% if you consider B2B payments. just my thought

Naija 🦇🔊🪙
honestly i think Tyler maybe wrong with that assum...

I take his comment to mean people spending coins (mostly alts or btc or eth) not stables tho. Stables/ crypto rewards/ crpyto gift cards to your point, i would throw in a different bucket. But still tiny compared to traditional finance products

Naija 🦇🔊🪙
well then point taken.

just saying how I think about it. i think we will find out together what the term “crypto payements” comes to mean in the next few years

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